Responsible Investing
ESG Integration, Monitoring and Compliance
At Parus a consideration of the sustainability of businesses is inherent in the long-term way that we invest. Our mission is to provide clients with investment strategies that meet their needs by delivering superior performance and durable value for all stakeholders.
We believe that investing responsibly for the long term is an essential component of delivering these returns to our clients.
ESG Integration
We believe that risk adjusted returns can be enhanced by taking ESG considerations into account. ESG analysis is fully integrated into the investment teams’ decision-making process.
Please click here to view our ESG Policy (Last updated January 2024).
Please click here to view our statement on Greenwashing.
ESG Monitoring
We believe that there are currently still many issues with a one-size-fits all approach to Responsible Investing. So we have built our own proprietary scoring model to analyse ESG metrics and track the Funds’ progress over time.
Article 8
We are a member of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) and fully support the Principles for Responsible Investment which are aimed to better align investors with broader objectives of society.
All of our European Funds are designated Article 8 under SFDR.